Congress and negotiation of the International Committe in Bratislava
Nagotiation Program
Thursday 18 September, 2014
Arrival of delegates till 18:00 hour, accommodation
19:00 hour – collective diner in SOREA hotel
Friday 19 September, 2014
07:00-08:30 – Breakfast in dining room
09.00 hour – Negotiation of the International Committee in Congress Hall – 2nd floor
– Oppening and Greeting by Chairman of the Slovak Association of Antifascist
Fighters (SAAF), Ing. Pavol Sečkar, PhD.
– Organizational direction to the Negotiation and the Program, by
dr, Juraj Drotar, member of the International Committee
09:15 hour – Opening of working negotiation of the International Committee of Deportees, Refugees, and Victims of the Fascism and Nazism in the years 1920–1945.
– Report about activities of the International Committee – President of the International Committee, madam prof. Ivica Žnidaršič
10:00 – 10:30 hour BREAKE
10:30 hour a) Reports and Information by member of the Internatiuonal Committee and by
Representatives of Member organizations about activities and fulfilling of the
Conclusions of Moscow’s conference
b) Solicitousness for social situation of the deportees and refugees from years
1920–1945 and participants of resistance
c) Preparations of the national Organizations for 70th anniversary of the Victory
about Fascisms (Inform: Member of the International Committee
d) Debates about the presented former reports
13:00 – 14:00 hour LUNCH
14:00 hour – Continuation of the discussion to the former reports
15:00 hour – Election of the members of the Committee and Chairmanship of the International Committee
15:30 hour – Acceptance of the resolution against activities of the Nazi and fascistically organizations in Europe
15:45 hour – Acceptance of the resolution
16:00 hour – Finish of the working part of negotiation
16:00 hour – Facultative programme
Saturday 20 September, 2014
Till 09:00 hour – Breakfast
10:00 – 12:00 hour – Bilateral negotiations
After 12:00 hour – leaving of the delegates from Congress
We ask members of International Committee to confirm their participation on Congress and to give us the arrival time and place to Bratislava till 1th September 2014 on e-mail, Please send your speeches in your language, English and Russian also till 1th September 2014 on e-mail,
Best regard
Dr. Juraj Drotar
Member of International Committee
Ivica Žnidaršič, prof.
President of International Committe