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1. DVD on oppening of Exhibition on exile of Slovene people and violence upon other slavic nations during the Second World War – photographs
2. DVD of 70th anniversary of exile of Slovene people and 20th anniversary of DIS work on 4th of June 2011
3. DVD – film of events of the projekct EEIC
4. Brochure on exhibition – Exhibition on exile of Slovene people and violence upon other slavic nations during the Second World War (slo)
5. Invitation for exhibition on exile of Slovene, Polish, Ukraine, Czech, Slovak and Russian people (slo/ang)
6. Invitation to central event on 4th of June 2011 (slo)
7. The concept of the programme for main event of DIS on 4th of June 2011 at 11.00 in Brestanica (slo)
8. The list of guest from other similar organisations form EU and elsewhere on 4th of June in Brestanica
9. The concept of memorial sign, put on the walls of former camp for exiled in Brestanica on 4th of June 2011
10. An example of information leaflet of regional DIS departments for the memorial walk at he border betwen Germany and NDH at Velika dolina
11. The publication of expert articles, presented at International conference on care for exiled and forced workers in some european countries
12. Publication The biggest camp for exiled Slovenians in year 1941 – castle Rajhenburg in Brestanica at Krško
13. Newsletter Vestnik DIS, No. 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 in 90
14. The list of contents of EU information centre for exiled 1920 – 1945
15. Public call Contest in writing articles on exile content for primary schools
16. An example of award at contest of writings on exiled at 70th anniversary of exile of Slovenian people
17. Photocopy of an article in Dolenjski list 5.5.2011; Živih le še 15.000 izgnancev (Only 15.000 exiled living)
18. Photocopy of an article in Gorenjskih glas, 24.5.2011; Izgnanci praznujejo obletnici (The two anniversaries of exiled)
19. Photocopy of an article in Slovenske novice, 5.6.2011; Rajhenburški grad zopet opominja (The castle in Rajhenburg remembers us once again)
20. Photocopy of an article in Posavski obzornik, 26.5.2011; Muzejski dan posvečen 70.letnici izgona(The museums's day dedicated to 70th anniversary of exiled)
21. Photocopy of an article at www.novice.dnevnik.si 4.6.2011; Tuerk: Evropske unije ne bi bilo brez zmage nad nacizmom in fašizmom (The president Turek: EU would not happen without winning the battle against nacism and fascism)
22. Photocopy of an article at www.drustvoizgnancev.si, 4.6.2011; Predsednik ob 70. letnici izgona Slovencev (The president at 70th anniversary of exiled Slovene people)
23. Photocopy of an article at www.dolenjskilist.si, 4.6.2011; Danes spominski dan za slovenske izgnance 2. svetovne vojne (today is the rememberance day for Slovene exiled in Second World War)
24. Photocopy of an article in Dnevnik, 6.6.2011; Slovenski izgnanci še brez odškodnine (The exiled still without reimburced war damage)
25. Photocopy of an article at www.cajtng.com, 7.6.2011; 7. Junij - Dan slovenskih izgnancev (7th of June – the day of Slovene exiled)
26. Photocopy of an article in Naša žena, junij 2011; Osrednja proslava ob 70. Obletnici izgona Slovencev (The central event at 70th anniversary of exile of Slovene people)
27. Photocopy of an article in Gorenjski glas, 21.6.2011; Srečanja povezujejo izgnance (Meetings connect exiled)
28. Photocopy of an article in Posavski obzornik, 23.6.2011; V spomin na prve krške žrtve, izgnance in osamosvojitev (In the memory of exiled victims in Krško)
29. Photocopy of an article at www.dolenjskilist.si, 9.7.2011; Izgnanci so se zbrali na Bučki (The exiled have gathered at Bučka)
30. Photocopy of an article in Večer, 26.9.2011; Slovenski izgnanci nadaljujejo boj za odškodnino (The slovenian exiled continue their fight for reimburcement war damage)
31. Photocopy of an article in Delo, 26.9.2011; Izgnanci bodo vztrajali pri izterjavi odškodnin (the exiled will persist in reimburcement of war damage)
1. DVD on oppening of Exhibition on exile of Slovene people and violence upon other slavic nations during the Second World War – photographs
2. DVD of 70th anniversary of exile of Slovene people and 20th anniversary of DIS work on 4th of June 2011
3. DVD – film of events of the projekct EEIC
4. Brochure on exhibition – Exhibition on exile of Slovene people and violence upon other slavic nations during the Second World War (slo)
5. Invitation for exhibition on exile of Slovene, Polish, Ukraine, Czech, Slovak and Russian people (slo/ang)
6. Invitation to central event on 4th of June 2011 (slo)
7. The concept of the programme for main event of DIS on 4th of June 2011 at 11.00 in Brestanica (slo)
8. The list of guest from other similar organisations form EU and elsewhere on 4th of June in Brestanica
9. The concept of memorial sign, put on the walls of former camp for exiled in Brestanica on 4th of June 2011
10. An example of information leaflet of regional DIS departments for the memorial walk at he border betwen Germany and NDH at Velika dolina
11. The publication of expert articles, presented at International conference on care for exiled and forced workers in some european countries
12. Publication The biggest camp for exiled Slovenians in year 1941 – castle Rajhenburg in Brestanica at Krško
13. Newsletter Vestnik DIS, No. 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 in 90
14. The list of contents of EU information centre for exiled 1920 – 1945
15. Public call Contest in writing articles on exile content for primary schools
16. An example of award at contest of writings on exiled at 70th anniversary of exile of Slovenian people
17. Photocopy of an article in Dolenjski list 5.5.2011; Živih le še 15.000 izgnancev (Only 15.000 exiled living)
18. Photocopy of an article in Gorenjskih glas, 24.5.2011; Izgnanci praznujejo obletnici (The two anniversaries of exiled)
19. Photocopy of an article in Slovenske novice, 5.6.2011; Rajhenburški grad zopet opominja (The castle in Rajhenburg remembers us once again)
20. Photocopy of an article in Posavski obzornik, 26.5.2011; Muzejski dan posvečen 70.letnici izgona(The museums's day dedicated to 70th anniversary of exiled)
21. Photocopy of an article at www.novice.dnevnik.si 4.6.2011; Tuerk: Evropske unije ne bi bilo brez zmage nad nacizmom in fašizmom (The president Turek: EU would not happen without winning the battle against nacism and fascism)
22. Photocopy of an article at www.drustvoizgnancev.si, 4.6.2011; Predsednik ob 70. letnici izgona Slovencev (The president at 70th anniversary of exiled Slovene people)
23. Photocopy of an article at www.dolenjskilist.si, 4.6.2011; Danes spominski dan za slovenske izgnance 2. svetovne vojne (today is the rememberance day for Slovene exiled in Second World War)
24. Photocopy of an article in Dnevnik, 6.6.2011; Slovenski izgnanci še brez odškodnine (The exiled still without reimburced war damage)
25. Photocopy of an article at www.cajtng.com, 7.6.2011; 7. Junij - Dan slovenskih izgnancev (7th of June – the day of Slovene exiled)
26. Photocopy of an article in Naša žena, junij 2011; Osrednja proslava ob 70. Obletnici izgona Slovencev (The central event at 70th anniversary of exile of Slovene people)
27. Photocopy of an article in Gorenjski glas, 21.6.2011; Srečanja povezujejo izgnance (Meetings connect exiled)
28. Photocopy of an article in Posavski obzornik, 23.6.2011; V spomin na prve krške žrtve, izgnance in osamosvojitev (In the memory of exiled victims in Krško)
29. Photocopy of an article at www.dolenjskilist.si, 9.7.2011; Izgnanci so se zbrali na Bučki (The exiled have gathered at Bučka)
30. Photocopy of an article in Večer, 26.9.2011; Slovenski izgnanci nadaljujejo boj za odškodnino (The slovenian exiled continue their fight for reimburcement war damage)
31. Photocopy of an article in Delo, 26.9.2011; Izgnanci bodo vztrajali pri izterjavi odškodnin (the exiled will persist in reimburcement of war damage)